Karmen Smith Karmen Smith

Don’t Forget to Represent

Welcome to a space where faith and identity converge, where spirituality embraces all aspects of who we are, including those parts often left in the shadows. My journey, as detailed in "Holy Queer: The Coming Out of Christ," is one of struggle, revelation, and ultimately, celebration. It's about discovering the divine in the details of our lives, including our sexuality and how it intertwines with our spiritual beliefs.

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Karmen Smith Karmen Smith

Embracing Our Divine Journeys: The Message of Holy Queer

Welcome to a space where faith and identity converge, where spirituality embraces all aspects of who we are, including those parts often left in the shadows. My journey, as detailed in "Holy Queer: The Coming Out of Christ," is one of struggle, revelation, and ultimately, celebration. It's about discovering the divine in the details of our lives, including our sexuality and how it intertwines with our spiritual beliefs.

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